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Web Techniques

Moving Backgrounds can be achieved with some simple javascript. Some sample scripts on the net require you to use jquery APIs from google or yahoo, but the basics of javascript and css give you all you need. Use the "setInterval" function to move the background position attribute, and you are done. Alternatively, you can use the animation and -webkit-animation attributes without any javascript but with less spectacular results.

More | Less technique can be used to hide supplemental web content until the user clicks a link to show them more. The link can be clicked again to re-hide the content. This can be achieved with some simple javascript. Some sample scripts may require you to use the jquery APIs from google or yahoo, but simple javascript is all you need. Use a class or id attribute in your HTML markup to identify all supplemental objects that you what to hide. Use javascript to search the document for the class/id, hide those objects using the display attribute and add a More/Less node immediately following the objects. Construct the More/Less node to be an anchor link with whatever formatting you like and set the click event listener to call a function that toggles the content. The toggle function should look up the current display attribute of the supplemental object and change it to its opposite. The function should also change the anchor link to match the desired function.

Slideshow technique can be used to rotate images or content into view like a slideshow. This can be achieved with some simple javascript and the help of the jquery API. JQuery provides methods to fade content in/out and move content in the document. We begin with basic HTML by creating an object that will hold individual slideshow objects. Each individual slideshow object shares the same class attribute. The javascript uses the "setInterval" function to advance the slideshow by using jquery methods fadeOut to fade out the first slideshow object, fadeIn to fade in the next slideshow object, and appendTo to move the first object to the end of the slideshow. Additional use of event listeners can be used to stop (or restart) the slideshow when the user clicks on a slide.